
姚倩1, 范艺宽2, 许自成1, 张珂1, 白晓婷1, 邵惠芳1,*
1河南农业大学烟草学院, 郑州450002; 2河南省烟草公司烟草研究所, 郑州472000

通信作者:邵惠芳;E-mail: shf.email@163.com

摘 要:

为了研究施加微量元素锌对烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)总氮、烟碱、硝态氮以及可溶性蛋白质积累的影响, 以‘豫烟10号’为供试材料, 在大田试验中设置两个处理, 分别为T1 (施加锌元素)和T2 (对照), 测定烟草大田各个生育期杀青样总氮、烟碱、硝态氮及可溶性蛋白质含量并进行分析。结果表明, 在移栽后45~75 d内施锌能显著降低烟草叶片中的烟碱含量, 并推迟烟草烟碱的积累高峰; 在移栽后30和60~75 d内施锌能显著提高烟草叶片中的总氮含量, 但对烟草总氮积累强度影响不大; 施锌对烟草硝态氮的积累有明显促进作用, 而对可溶性蛋白质含量的影响不显著。本试验为研究施加微量元素锌对烟草含氮化合物的积累提供了依据。

关键词:烟草; 锌素; 含氮化合物; 积累

收稿:2016-11-21   修定:2017-03-22


Effect of zinc on accumulation of nitrogen-containing compounds in tobacco

YAO Qian1, FAN Yi-Kuan2, XU Zi-Cheng1, ZHANG Ke1, BAI Xiao-Ting1, SHAO Hui-Fang1,*
1College of Tobacco Sciences, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, China; 2Tobacco Research Institute of Henan Provincial Tobacco Company, Zhengzhou 472000, China

Corresponding author: SHAO Hui-Fang; E-mail: shf.email@163.com


In order to study the effect of zinc application on total nitrogen, nicotine, nitrate nitrogen and soluble protein accumulations in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), two treatments were set up with ‘Yuyan No. 10’ as the test material by field experiment, which were T1 (zinc element) and T2 (control). The contents of total nitrogen, nicotine, nitrate nitrogen and soluble protein were determined at different growth stages. The results show that zinc can effectively reduce the nicotine content of the leaves of tobacco in 45–75 days after transplanting, postpone the accumulation peak of nicotine, and improve the content of total nitrogen in leaves of tobacco in 30 days and 60–75 days after transplanting, but it has little influence on the strength of the accumulation of total nitrogen in tobacco. Zinc fertilizer could promote the accumulation on nitrate nitrogen in tobacco, but there was no significant effect on soluble protein content. This study provides a theoretical basis for the study of the application of trace element zinc to the accumulation of nitrogen-containing compounds in tobacco.

Key words: tobacco; zinc element; nitrogen-containing compounds; accumulation

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